Netéthic Solution logicielle de lutte contre le cyberharcèlement scolaire

Welcome to our blog : Fight school bullying with Netethic

Welcome to the Netethic blog, dedicated to raising awareness, preventing and combating bullying in schools. Discover informative resources, inspiring stories, and dive into the world of Netethic, our innovative online protection software against all forms of harassment (online and offline) in a school environment.

Our articles

Eating disorders in victims of school bullying
Netethic éducation

The impact of eating disorders on victims of school bullying

School bullying is a serious and often underestimated problem. It can have lasting effects on children’s physical and mental health. One of the most concerning warning signs that may slip under parents’ radar is related to food: sudden food cravings, changes in eating habits, or even the development of eating

Invisible victims
Netethic éducation

The unseen victims: How to spot a case of cyberbullying in a student in distress?

Cyberbullying is a scourge increasingly affecting a growing number of young people, especially students. Unlike more visible forms of bullying, such as physical aggression, cyberbullying often goes unnoticed, particularly by those not directly engaged in online interactions. Consequently, invisible victims of cyberbullying can be difficult to identify, as they often


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