Netéthic Solution logicielle de lutte contre le cyberharcèlement scolaire

The impact of cyberbullying on parents : How Netethic Family can be the solution

Cyberbullying at school has become an increasingly worrying problem, affecting the daily lives of children and their families. This article will look at the profound impact that cyberbullying has on parents, while highlighting how Netéthic Famille offers a comprehensive solution to help them manage the stress of dealing with this scourge.


I. Parents' burden of cyberbullying

Cyberbullying not only affects the children directly concerned, but also weighs heavily on their parents. Parents often experience a mixture of anxiety, helplessness and frustration when they see their children being attacked online. This can have emotional and sometimes even physical repercussions for parents.  

II. Understanding Netéthic Famille

Netéthic Famille is an innovative, comprehensive solution for combating cyberbullying at school and managing the stress for parents. It is a platform that offers advanced online monitoring, parental control and awareness-raising tools to help parents protect their children in the digital world.  

III. Advantages of Netéthic Family packs

Netéthic Family offers comprehensive protection. This includes monitoring of children’s online activities, management of privacy settings, alerts in the event of suspicious behaviour, and psychological assistance for parents and children. Netéthic applies a “before, during and after” method. 


The impact of cyberbullying on parents is a subject that is rarely discussed, but in reality it is parents who take responsibility, because it is their children who are affected by the scourge of cyberbullying. The Netéthic Famille solution, with its many features, can become an essential element in managing parental stress. Many parents need to invest in their children’s online protection while actively engaging in their digital education.