Netéthic Solution logicielle de lutte contre le cyberharcèlement scolaire

Solutions to combat cyberstalking

Cyberbullying involves attacking someone online, more or less repeatedly. It can take various forms: revealing images or videos, insults, defamation, etc. These days, all the social networks and technology disrupt our social interactions. Young people spend a lot of time shaping their online image.

Indeed, most of the media have covered the subject, especially when cyber-stalking and cyber-violence lead to extremely serious consequences, up to and including suicide. However, the repercussions of these remote attacks are numereous and various, and it’s undeniable that it’s young people (aged 12-14) who suffer most.

The Inhibition of the Online Aggressor

Unlike classic harassment, in the case of cyberviolence, the aggressor is uninhibited, and the violence is multiplied tenfold. The absence of empathy due to distance and the anonymity afforded by social networks give cyber-stalkers a power they don’t possess in real life. The balance of power is turned on its head, and anyone can become a cyberstalker, whatever their physical, social or intellectual advantage.

Devastating consequences

The consequences of cyberstalking are profoundly serious. It causes anxiety, stress, depression and post-traumatic stress. It disrupts sleep and eating habits. In addition, it lowers self-esteem, engenders shame, and impairs concentration. Cyberbullying also leads to absenteeism, psychological distress and academic failure. It can even lead to aggression and isolation, and in the most extreme cases, self-mutilation and suicide.

A solution to combat cyberstalking

In the fight against this scourge, it’s important to note that solutions do exist. Certain software and technologies have been developed to help prevent and combat online harassment. These tools monitor online behavior. What’s more, they detect harassment so that it can be reported. All these tools reinforce young people’s online safety. This reduces the risk of cyberbullying.

Netethic offers two distinct software solutions to meet specific needs. Firstly, “Netethic Family” is a solution dedicated to parents and children, with the aim of combating cyberbullying. This solution aims to provide a safer online environment for children, while empowering parents to monitor and protect their children from online harassment.

Secondly, “Netethic Education” supports schools in the fight against bullying. Their tool adapts to users and offers customized functionalities. This solution is specially designed for schools, with a complete set of tools to prevent and combat bullying. Features are customized for teachers, students and staff.
Put an end to cyberbullying today with Netethic’s effective, user-friendly solutions !