Netéthic Solution logicielle de lutte contre le cyberharcèlement scolaire

Cyberbullying among teenagers : what are the effects? what can be done?

The growing use of online communication tools makes cyberbullying a major problem in modern societies. According to UNICEF, teenagers are more affected by cyberbullying than adults, as they have greater access to digital technologies and spend much more time online. In France, for example, Internet users aged 7 to 12 spend an average of 6 hours online per week, and this rises to around 15 hours among 13- to 19-year-olds.


How and why report cyberbullying?

The effects of cyberbullying on teenagers are many and varied. They can range from difficulties at school (difficulty concentrating, drop in grades, drop in attendance) to stress, anxiety and depression, to loss of self-esteem. In the worst cases, cyberbullying can even lead to suicide. That’s why it’s so important to report cyberbullying.
If you think you’re being bullied, consider taking the following steps:
  1. Keep evidence of digital violence
  2. Confide in someone you trust, such as your parents, a teacher or a close friend.
  3. Report abuse via social media platforms. Social media companies are obliged to ensure the safety of their users. Read the community guidelines carefully to find out how to report inappropriate content on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.
  4. If you’re in immediate danger, immediately contact the police or national or local emergency services in your country.

What can be done to prevent cyberbullying?

The effects of cyberbullying on teenagers are numerous and varied. They can range from difficulties at school (difficulty concentrating, drop in grades, drop in attendance) to stress, anxiety and depression, not to mention a loss of self-esteem. In the worst cases, cyberbullying can even lead to suicide. That’s why it’s so important to report cyberbullying.
The most common preventive measures available to parents to protect their children from potential cyberbullying are as follows:
  • Accept your child’s cyber-life.
  • Set rules for your child’s online presence and interaction.
  • Make your child aware of the risks of using social media and cyberbullying, and encourage them to behave responsibly and respectfully online.
  • Monitor your child’s online activities using specialized software.
  • Set rules for your child’s online presence and interaction.
  • Make your child aware of the risks associated with the use of social media and cyber-violence, and encourage them to behave responsibly and respectfully online.
  • Monitor your child’s online activities using specialized software.

Preventing Cyberbullying: An Essential Role for Parents

To prevent cyberbullying, parents must play a central role. This means accepting their children’s cyber lives, establishing online rules and raising awareness of the risks of social media. Parents can also monitor their children’s online activities using specialized software to ensure their safety.
Ultimately, cyberbullying is a complex problem that requires a collective response. Awareness, prevention and response to cyberbullying are essential steps in creating a safer, more caring online environment for all. Let’s not wait, let’s report and prevent cyberbullying effectively today!
Report and prevent cyberbullying today!