The impact of cyberbullying on parents : How Netethic Family can be the solution
Cyberbullying in schools has become an increasingly concerning issue, impacting the daily lives of children and their families.
Cyberbullying in schools has become an increasingly concerning issue, impacting the daily lives of children and their families.
School bullying is a serious problem affecting many children in France. It is estimated that one million pupils are victims of harassment every year.
Emotional education is much more than just a subject to be included in the school curriculum. It is a powerful lever for student well-being, and by extension, for the prevention of bullying.
School bullying, unfortunately widespread in educational structures, constitutes a major challenge requiring a fine-tuned understanding of the phenomenon to effectively combat its deep roots.
In an ever-changing world, social norms exert a profound influence on various aspects of our lives, including the school environment.
School bullying remains a sinister shadow hovering in the corridors of our schools, insidiously affecting the lives of many students.
School bullying is a problem that extends far beyond the school sphere. Often perceived as an emotional challenge, its consequences on students’ physical health often remain unrecognized.
Students’ mental health is a determining factor in their overall well-being and academic success. Psychological issues can have a profound impact on the learning
The growing use of online communication tools makes cyberbullying a major problem in modern societies.
Cyberbullying involves attacking someone online, more or less repeatedly. It can take various forms: revealing images or videos, insults, defamation, etc. These days, all the social networks and technology disrupt our social interactions. Young people spend a lot of time shaping their online image. Indeed, most of the media have