Netéthic Solution logicielle de lutte contre le cyberharcèlement scolaire

Artificial Intelligence : protection against cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is nothing new. In this digital age of online pseudonyms, it’s easy to hide behind a computer. As a result, many people suffer from what is known as “cyberstalking”. In this article, you’ll find out how artificial intelligence can detect and combat online cyberbullying.

Online harassment is a serious problem. It goes beyond the boundaries of tangible reality, taking place in a digital world that ignores the constraints of time and space. Combating online harassment is particularly difficult because of its dematerialized nature.

This type of harassment has profound psychological consequences, some of which can be irreparable. According to E-enfance statistics, 60% of 18-25 year-olds say they have already experienced cyberbullying. This shows that teenagers are the first victims of such remote aggression.

Identifying cyberstalking with Artificial Intelligence

But what constitutes cyberstalking? Language can be treacherous. An insult can become affectionate. An innocuous phrase can become a real source of trauma. Advances in artificial intelligence, machine learning and automatic language processing mean that we can now imagine many ways of curbing cyberbullying, or at least detecting it in good time, and protecting Internet users, especially young ones.

Using Artificial Intelligence to detect cyberstalking

Machine learning consists in building models based on statistical techniques or neural networks that detect particular elements among a large amount of data and classify them according to precise categories previously defined by human beings. The models are trained on specific collected data, but they are constantly learning thanks to the re-learning of new techniques such as online learning. Artificial intelligence can then support – but not replace – the competent authorities in recognizing cyberstalking and reacting in time.

Fighting Cyberbullying : AI on the front line

Cyberstalking, unfortunately well known these days, finds its playground on the web, where anonymity encourages malice. Victims, often young, suffer severe trauma. Fortunately, artificial intelligence and machine learning are opening up prospects for detecting and preventing these online assaults. Companies are also offering solutions for parents and children, helping to combat this scourge.