Netéthic Solution logicielle de lutte contre le cyberharcèlement scolaire

Netethic , a software solution targeting both traditional and cyber bullying

Netethic is your best ally in the fight against bullying and cyberbullying among the younger generations.

About Us

The Netethic software suite is developed by DataforEthic, a publisher of cutting-edge software solutions.

The Netethic software solutions aim to improve the psychological and social well-being both in academic environments and online.

Our Solutions

Our state-of-the-art software solutions pave the way for a healthier digital future for children and adolescents.

Netethic Education

Your solution against bullying within the school environment.
Interface login Netethic famille

Netethic Family

The family's answer to the cyberbullying problem.

Netethic, who is it for ?


The benefits of Netethic


School bullying in numbers : A disturbing reality to be aware of

1 in 10 students

is said to experience some form of bullying during their school years

12% of bullying cases

start in elementary school, 10% in middle school, and 4% in high school

20% of young people
aged 8 to 18

have experienced cyberbullying, including ¼ of middle-schoolers, most of whom are girls

40% of students in France

reported having been the victim of online aggression or abuse

Free Demo Form

Fill out this form to request a free demo of Netethic, the state-of-the-art solution designed to detect and prevent school bullying while adhering to the highest data protection and privacy standards. 

Partnerships & Labels

Besoin de conseils ou d'une démo gratuite pour prévenir le cyberharcèlement ?
On vous rappelle pour en discuter !

Netethic s'engage à protéger et à respecter votre vie privée.